5 things running a PR Agency teaches you!
If you’re a PR specialist aiming at starting their own PR agency in India, here’s what you’d want to know! 1. PICK A NICHE! You know what they say, jack of all trades, master of none – you don’t want to be that! Although, you might think picking a niche might limit you and your growth, it is actually quite the opposite. Defining a niche will help your agency to stand out from the rest of the PR agencies in India and also solely focus on your chosen specifics. 2. GET PAID FOR YOUR WORTH, NOT TIME Remember, your worth is a sum of your expertise and experience, understanding of media, networking relations, research and contacts. Do not charge by the hour you put in, simply because, you’re a publicist! In this profession, you can win clients in a single pitch meeting or take months to close a deal. So, charge for your total worth, not your time! 3. TIERED PRICING STRUCTURE SAVES TIME A lot of us have spent time creating client proposals, that never get signed. But there is a simpler ...