What does a top PR agency in India looks like?

PR does not sell brands via ads or billboards nor through catchy selling phrases to get people to buy products. So, what exactly does a top PR agency do?

Unlike an advertising agency, PR agencies promote a brand via earned media. A top PR agency in India, or across the globe, may include some or all of the functions mentioned below:

1. Earned Media & Media Relations
Earned media is so much more than landing a spot for your client in publications. It is also about maintaining media relations and relationship building takes time. Hence, PR agencies are required to create data-driven pitches, engage with reporters on social media, maintain relevant media lists and more.

2. Owned Media & Content Strategy
Owned media is publishing content on brand-owned channels like an email or social media campaign or even a blog. It is the PR agencies’ job to either write content themselves or help to drive strategy with a team of writers and editors.

3. Media Monitoring & Analysis

Today, when data rules majority of decision making processes, monitoring and analysing content is crucial.

4. Corporate Communications
Corporate communicators work closely with stakeholders across the organization to develop and distribute pertinent info to employees and key affiliates. It involves interaction with senior leaders and HR departments.

5. Media Training
With evolved media formats, media training is important for a much larger number of people in an organization, especially those likely to be in contact with the press. The PR agency trains brand spokespeople or sometimes also hire another ageny or consultant to do so. In times of crisis, the agencies also develop guidelines for interacting with the media or even social media.

6. Executive Thought Leadership

The PR agency is responsible for ideating, writing, editing, pitching, placing and promoting executive thought leadership articles for not only the CEO, but also other senior executives.

7. Crisis Communications
There were some serious PR blunders in 2020. If those PR boo-boos didn’t show us the importance of having a crisis communications plan in place, we’re not sure what will. Reputation management and crisis communications are not an airbag that goes off when something bad happens; they are a seatbelt your brand should always wear. With today’s speedy news cycle, it’s essential to have a plan in place prior to anything going wrong in the media.

8. Speaking Engagements
With physical, in-person coming to a pause, PR agencies had to innovate and come up with digital speaking events like webinars, podcasts, online conferences. 

9. Influencer Marketing & Blogger Relations
Whether managing influencer sponsorships or engaging with an unpaid network of organic brand advocates, influencer marketing and blogger relations are increasingly important as self-publishing continues to expand and evolve.

10. Reputation Management

It is a PR agency’s job to understand how people perceive their company’s brand, and take proactive measures to ensure those feelings are positive.

These practices or functions are offered not only by top PR agencies in India, but globally. While there are more practice areas, these are only top 10.


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